Ozgunduz: Let?s not Make the Enemy Happy and not Demoralize the Fellow

English, 19 Ocak 2015 20:25

The Leader of Turkish Shias, Selahattin Ozgunduz commented on the malevolent attack made to Hezbollah?s soldiers by Israel.

Ozgunduz: Let?s not Make the Enemy Happy and not Demoralize the Fellow

Assessing the nefarious attack which was done by the Zionist regime, Ozgunduz severely condemned and reprobated this sinister assault. He wished for Allah’s blessing and mercy on the soldiers who were martyred and also expressed his condolences to Lebanese and the martyrs’ families. Ozgunduz also stated that this attack should not cause the fellow get disappointed.

Ozgunduz: “Israel attacked Hezbollah forces and 9 soldiers were martyred as a result. May their souls rest in peace. Those who claim that some important commanders have been also martyred, they are wrong. Just yesterday (1982) they were a couple of hundreds, and unarmed. Even Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, was occupied by Israel and Israel himself was appointing the government members there.

The United States, France and Italy entered Beirut and took their place on the side of Israel. These hundreds of soldiers managed to kick them out from their own lands.

Since the Zionists could not tolerate to be defeated, they attacked many times. They intended to protect their prestige, but at last they had to leave Lebanon with a much serious failure.

At the beginning of the 33 days war, they were thinking on having “a world without Hezbollah” in less than a week; however, they had the worst fiasco in this war.

Although they formed an alliance with the whole Westerns in 1992, they were still unable to withstand the Hezbollah's military. And now Hezbollah has a very-well trained and well-equipped army that can produce its own rockets and UAVs, along with the modern weapons.

Every single one of these soldiers is very important as a hero. They are all making life unbearable for Israel, and they have destroyed the Israel’s indomitability. Therefore, for these soldiers it is natural to be martyred, because they have revived and have offered a kind of moral support especially for Arabs and generally for Muslims.

Indeed, even if the Hezbollah’s soldiers are martyred, more others will arise following the martyred ones. The enemy should not get happy because there is no reason for it; and our fellow should increase the people’s motivations, not to get disappointed.

Now the only point on which we can insist is:

“We are on Hezbollah’s side, the side which fights against Greater Middle East Initiative (GMEI) and Israel; it is the side which fights for the unity of Muslims and their honor. So do you think that the statements made against Israel by those who are actually on the side of Israel are credible and reliable?”

English, 19 Ocak 2015 20:25

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