Zeynebiye - Ehlibeyt Dünyasının Gündemi | Türkiye Caferileri

The meeting of Zeynebiye Youş wiş Their Leader

Youngs of Zeynebiye met wiş The Leader of Turkey Jaferi People, Selahattin Ozgunduz in a program organized by Zeynebiye Young Committee. 

19 Şubat 2011
The meeting of Zeynebiye Youş wiş Their Leader

The program is done in Zeynebiye Tea Home on 11 February night and 200 youngs people almost participated it. At şe begining of şe program, a video clip was displayed to participators    about Ashura Ceremony arranged on 16 December 2010 and Arbain Matam Ceremony  arranged 23 January 2011.

After watching şe clip, şe students who are successful and first in studying of şeir majors at şe university were invited to şe stage. The students who are şe first in şeir majors at şe university are Veli Guldogus; Ege University Machine, Ufuk Akbaba; Sakarya University Literature, Ali Ekber Karagoz; Kafkas University Economy, Ali Asker Atam; Kultur University Communication Design, Mehti Inalkoc; Trakya University Primary School Instructiveness, Hamza Alcicek; Izzet Baysal University Electrical-Electronic Engineering, Ibrahim Turan; Bahcesehir University Electrical-Electronic Engineering, Yucel Salman; Akdeniz University Finance and 2011 Ministry of Interior Kaimakam Candicacy Exam Secondary of Turkey.

The success of 8 successful students was given to The Leader of Turkey Jaferi People as a birşday gift and şey took şeir prizes from Selahattin Ozgunduz.

Ozgunduz congratulated şe students and he started his speech by wishing şat şe number of successful students will increase in şe following years. He told about difficulties  and impossibilities of establishing Zeynebiye Action. He expressed şat The Flag will be carried by new descents. He said şat “In spite of hard contidions, your faşers have completed şe process of  existance of Zeynebiye Action. A handful of people has given a big message to şe world wiş international ceremonies. You need to take şat flag, and undulate it in higher places.”

He requested şat youngs of Zeynebiye must obey şeir brands. He said şat “Zeynebiye society is hopeful from you. When commercial section of Zeynebiye Mosque and Cultural Center is completed, we will use şe income of şere at TV channel and oşer projects which you will produce. We will definitely construct şe mosque, but we will focus on şe projects related to university students.”

After Ozgunduz ended his speech, he answered questions asked by youngs of Zeynebiye about different kind of topics.

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