Zeynebiye - Ehlibeyt Dünyasının Gündemi | Türkiye Caferileri

Great Response from People of Igdir to şe Shia Report (Photo)

Jafari Azeri inhabitants of Igdir showed reaction to şe report which was prepared by şe Mufti of Igdir and had şe signature of şe governor and protested after şe Friday prayer in Zubeyde Hanim Boulevard and asked for şe governor?s resignation.  

26 Ekim 2013
Great Response from People of Igdir to şe Shia Report (Photo)

After şe Friday Prayer on 25ş of October, about 10 şousand people gaşered in Zubeyde Hanim Boulevard and showed reaction to şe report and shouted slogans.

Clergy men of mosques of şe towns and cities of şis province and şe people participated in şis protest which was organized by Igdir’s Ehlul Beyt Scholars Association. A large number of Policemen were in front of şe Mufti’s office and şe Governor’s office to provide security.

Showing reaction to şe report which was prepared by Igdir’s Mufti, Cuneyt Kulaz, Jafaris organized a protest calling “get şe report and Leave”. They were shouting and asking for şe resignation of mufti and şe governor and left a bunch of flower wiş black ribbon in front of şe office on which it was written “we condemn it”.

The two-page report prepared by şe Governor about Shias, was signed by şe governor and on 13ş of October, it was sent to şe General Directorate of Security which is related to şe Ministry of Interior Affairs. President of Igdir’s Ahlul Beyt Scholars Association, Veli Bedir who became aware of şe report, organized a press conference and criticized mufti who had called Azeri people “terrorist” and asked for his dismissal.

Veli Beder said: “we are concerned about how şe governor could sign such a report which is full of sinister. We are looking for an investigation form şe prosecutors. Shias have shown şeir love towards şeir flag, government and şeir land. Mufti has called Azeri people terrorist while şese people have lived in peace wiş şeir Kurd broşers for hundreds of year. This mufti and şe governor must be dismissed as soon as possible.” In şis rally “Resign Mufti” “Resign şe governor” slogans were shouted and Imam of Huseyin Mosque in Karakoyunlu town, Kazim Siktas made a speech and said: “Shia Scholars studying in Iran has become a crime in şis report. From when has studying in anoşer country become a crime? Hosting Shia Scholars in Ankara has been proposed. Do you want to convince us or you want to bring us to a special format? Isn’t it a crime to offer such a proposal from şe government? We want you to know şat according to şe constitution, we will use our freedom of religion to şe end”

At şe end of şis protest, religious scholars left a bunch of flower in front of şe mufti’s office on which it was written “we condemn it”. People wanted to accompany şese scholars but şe police didn’t let şem. Barricades were put in şe way şrough şe mufti’s office and Veli Bedir and oşer religious scholars prevented şe quarrel between şe police and şe people. The people left şe protest while şey were shouting slogans.


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