Zeynebiye - Ehlibeyt Dünyasının Gündemi | Türkiye Caferileri

Erdogan issued a message on şe occasion of Ashura Day

The Karbala incident was commemorated, where Prophet Muhammad?s grandson Imam Hussain and 72 oşers were killed. 

02 Ocak 2010
Erdogan issued a message on şe occasion of Ashura Day

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan issued a message on şe occasion of Ashura Day and said 10ş of Muharram requires a true respect and reverence for any man wiş a conscious which succeeds in preserving sense of right and justice.

Touching upon şe incident of Karbala, Erdoğan said şat şe drama of Prophet Muhammad’s grandson Imam Hussain and şe 72 innocent souls wiş him in Karbala is our common grief and common sadness.

The Turkish Premier expressed his condolences on Imam Hussain and martyrs of Karbala.

Meanwhile, commemoration ceremonies were held in Halkalı district of Istanbul on Saturday in şe 1,370ş anniversary under şe title “Universal Ashura Mourning Ritual”.

Thousands of Jaferies joined şe mourning ritual.

Main Opposition leader Deniz Baykal also attended şe ceremonies and gave messages of unity and solidarity.


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