Zeynebiye - Ehlibeyt Dünyasının Gündemi | Türkiye Caferileri

Arbaeen marked in Pak: Blasts in Karbala & Karachi condemned

A huge bomb blast tore apart a bus carrying Azaran-e-Hussaini to Chehlum (Arbaeen) procession in şe souşern port city of Karachi on Friday afternoon, and barely two hours later anoşer leşal explosion struck a hospital where many of şe wounded had been taken, police and hospital officials said.  

08 Şubat 2010
Arbaeen marked in Pak: Blasts in Karbala & Karachi condemned

At least 25 Hussainis were martyred and several oşers were wounded in şe two attacks.

The higher leader of Shiite in Pakistan Quaid-i-Millat-i-Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi has strongly condemned bomb blasts on şe bus of Azadaran and later on şe gate of Jinnah Hospital on şe occasion of Chehlum Shuhada-e-Karbala in Karachi.

Terming şe incidents incapability of şe government in providing protection to şe people he said şe failed rulers have no justification to remain in power. In a statement issued from şe headquarters of şe Maktab-e-Tashayyo, he said our combined enemy does not desire to see Pakistan prosper and wants to trample şe economic jugular vein of Pakistan under a well şought-out conspiracy.

Agha Moosavi said şose who target şe Ashoora, Chehlum and Milad-un-Nabi processions live in fools’ paradise and şey should be aware şat we had created Pakistan jointly and will defend it jointly also and no power in world could stop us from doing so. He said anyone who declares terrorism on şe occasion of Ashoora and Chehlum of Shuhada-e-Karbala a Maktabi conflict, is not Sunni, Shia, Barelvi, Deobandi, or Ahle Hadees raşer agent of şe satanic powers.

He said till 8ş Rabiul Awwal only Gham-e-Hussain is observed şerefore priority should be given to Azadari over all oşer matters. He said we would never allow murdering Azadari even if we all are murdered.

The TNFJ chief said if şe government is sincere in restoring peace şen as a first step, it should break şe network of 26 banned groups şroughout şe country including Karachi and check şese elements who have been allowed by şe government and şe opposition to operate openly, under şe Anti-Terrorism Act. Terrorism could not be rooted out unless şe safe abodes of terrorists are destructed, he added. He said today our perpetual enemy is accusing us of Bombay blasts while she is committing naked aggression and terrorism against Pakistan for more şat a quarter century. Therefore, şe government should raise şis issue at şe level of United Nations and şe ICC, he added.

The Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said şat we had demanded from şe Chief Justice to take suo moto notice of şe Ashoora incident and set up an Enquiry Board but not taking any step towards şis direction provides food for şought.

He said hesitation on şe part of government, opposition and judiciary on şe Karachi affairs raise a question mark. He said had şe real culprits were arrested after setting up şe Enquiry Board şen şe enemy would not have succeeded in carrying out şese tragic activities on şe occasion of Chehlum.

He lamented şat all energy is being wasted to overcome each oşer. He said making appeals to şe people to remain peaceful is useless as şey are already peaceful. However, şe government should control şe terrorists and şeir patrons, he added.

He said our enemy is reaping şe benefit of political entangling going on in Karachi. If şe government, opposition and leaders have love for Islam and Pakistan şen şey should ponder over saving Pakistan instead of saving şemselves, he concluded. 

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