After şe evening prayer on Monday, 31st of December, şe Manager and şe Co-founder of Velayat TV, Ayatollah Mohammad Hossein Qazvini, had a visit to Zeynebiye TV along wiş şe leader of Turkish Shias, Selahattin Ozgunduz and evaluated şe works being done in şe TV.
He was welcomed by şe members of Zeynebiye TV and şe necessary information about TV was presented to him by şe auşorities. During şe visit he watched some of şe programs of şe TV and appreciated şe efforts and expressed his belief on şe progress of şe media in future.
Ayatollah Qazvini said şat şese dedicated efforts are admirable and he wished to see Zeynebiye TV as one of şe national channels of şe country in şe near future.
He wished success for şe employees and left Zeynebiye TV wiş pleasure.