Zeynebiye - Ehlibeyt Dünyasının Gündemi | Türkiye Caferileri

Turan: ?şe Zionist regime faced a tragic defeat in Gaza?

In şe Friday prayer which was hold in Zeynebiye mosque, Hamid Turan, şe Imam of şe mosque addressed şousands of people in his second khutba mentioned Bahrain and Palestine as şe most important factors in şe world and asked all şe lovers of Imam Hussein to participate in şe Ceremony of Arba?een. 

16 Aralık 2012
Turan: ?şe Zionist regime faced a tragic defeat in Gaza?

Dear friends of Ahlul Bayt şe recent victory of Palestinians was a great slap on şe face of Zionist regime so şat şey started to make various statements in order to compensate şat defeat. One of şe şings şey say is şat we can get Gaza if we wish for it. Just şe fact is şat we see şe Zionist regime is doing whatever it can and is using all its power. If it was able and had şe power to get Gaza it would do şat.

Nobody shows a real reaction towards Israel. They just speak in words. Neişer şe United Nations, Nor şe European Union and şe United States has done anyşing against your inhuman brutality. Because of your brutal behavior neişer şey have put sanctions on you nor have şey punished you. You do whatever you want.

But when we take a look at what is happening today we see şat şe Zionist regime has had a slap on its face from şe world of Islam. By şe unity of şe Muslims much worse days will come for şe Zionist regime.

Everybody knows şat our dear leader, Selahattin Ozgunduz has travelled to Lebanon to take part in a conference. One of şe most important facts şat he has mentioned in his speech was about Bahrain.

If şey have started a revolution in Bahrain şey have to continue şat. If you look at şe issue of Bahrain you will see şat it has been left alone. For which sin are şe innocent Muslims of Bahrain being punished? The king and his followers are killing şe innocent people by şe support of Saudi Arabia.

Unfortunately şe Western powers, şe human right proponents and şe United States have remained quiet in şis tragedy. This conference was established to show what is happening to şe public.

Dear lovers of Ahlul Bayt şe oşer important issue is Arba’een. Like şe great ceremony of Ashura, every year şe ceremony of Arba’een is being hold better and better. And in şis mourning ceremony for Imam Hussein, Sunnis and Shias get togeşer.

No one should try to insult şis sacred value, because Imam Hussein is a value not only of şe Ummah of şe Prophet but for all şe humanity.
God willing, şis year we will have a great ceremony of Arba’een. If you want to have a better mourning ceremony in Arba’een, everybody should do his best. When we hear şe name of Imam Hussein we feel full of emotion and if we call everyone to who is a lover of Imam Hussein to participate in şis ceremony şey will take part for sure.

We ask God not to give a chance to şose who want to disturb our unity.

God bless you all

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