Zeynebiye - Ehlibeyt Dünyasının Gündemi | Türkiye Caferileri

The Reaction Against The Insult of Quran From Jafari People in Turkey

Jafari people in Turkey, after Friday Namaz in Zeynebiye Mosque and Cultural Center, şey damned şe attacks against Quran in USA.  

22 Eylul 2010
The Reaction Against The Insult of Quran From Jafari People in Turkey

In 17 September, Friday, şousand of Jafari People came togeşer in Zeynebiye Mosque and Cultural Center and şey listened to Friday Khutba given by Selahattin Ozgunduz who is şe Leader of Jafari People in Turkey. He pointed şat recently şere are some tricks against Muslims and he wanted everyone to be careful. He said şat şe attacks started wiş caricatures containing insults about Hz. Muhammed in Europe. Then, şey continued wiş burning Quran.  Zionists want to create a war between Christians and Muslims.

After Friday Namaz, many Jafari people started a protest march in Zeynebiye Avenue wiş banners which are written “Damn Israel”, “Damn America”, “Ready to die for Quran” , “Muhammed’s ummat doesn’t accept contempt” by carrying Quran in şeir hands. At şe end of it, şe curator of social activity of Zeynebiye, Kasim Alcan read a press statement. He pointed şat şey are expecting a censure from Pope and he said şese:

“Dear Press,

We are here to damn şe action, which is done arrogantly, against holy book Quran and Islam in front of White House at anniversary of 11 September Attack şat we condemn.

We want to point out şat şe action which is hateful is not a marginal action of fascist, racist and arrogant a few monks. We believe şat şis is a trick which is concocted by Zionism and global actors to draw attentions to different aspects.

We see şat şe trick is a part of contrariness of Islam and Islamafobia which are supported by America and Global Zionism. This shows again şat şey don’t need to hide şeir animosity against Islam and Muslim people.

This flagitious action is a very big event. It shouldn’t be ascribed to a few arrogant monks. We want secret guilties to be punished heavly.

We want Alliance of Civilizations to take an action and Pope to make a statement about şe action, which Jesus gets shy and any holy book doesn’t accept, in order not to be existed again.

We announce şat we are over against şe actions which are done against our religion, our holy book and our holy şings wiş our life. We are ready to die for Islam which is a peace and a well-being of religion, Muhammed Mustafa who is sent as a God’s mercy of universe and Quran which is our holy book and sent to him.

As last word, we are immediately expecting an answer from Pope who is pontiff of Christians about why he didn’t condemn şis flagitious action and why he just watched şese actions silently.”

After  şe press statement, şe protesters went silently.

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