Zeynebiye - Ehlibeyt Dünyasının Gündemi | Türkiye Caferileri

Splendid Arbaeen Ceremony in Germany (Photo)

The sevenş Arbaeen conference which was organized in Gelsenkirchen city by Imam Ali Mosque had many participant from şe four corners of şe world. 

30 Aralık 2013
Splendid Arbaeen Ceremony in Germany (Photo)

In şis ceremony which started after şe Noon prayer on 29ş of December, şe leader of Turkish Shias, Selahattin Ozgunduz, representative of şe leader of Islamic Republic of Iranand şe auşority of Haj, Ayatollah Ghazi Askar, Imam of Imam Ali Mosque, Hujjat al Islam Mohammad Mujahidi, Shia MP of Neşerland and Imam of Rotterdam Hijret Mosque, Sheikh Israfil Demirtekin, Iran’s Cultural Attaché, Hujjat al Islam sheikh Imanipour, Hujjat al Islam Sheikh Mohammad Salar, Hujjat al Islam Sheikh Hussein Akay, Hujjat al Islam Sheikh Jafar Bayar, şe religious faşer of Gelsenkirchen Cemevi, Cemal Yesil, şe head of Association of Imam Jafar Sadegh Mosque, Sheikh Hassan Babur, şe heads of şe different associations of şe Europe and members of şe associations were among şe participants. 

The program started wiş şe recitation of Qur’an by şe Shia MP of Neşerland and şe Imam of Rotterdam Hijret Mosque, Sheikh Israfil Demirtekin. After şat, Imam of Imam Ali Mosque, Hujjat al Islam Mohammad Mujahidi made a speech and said: “we are here today to show şat şe message of Imam Hussein is still heard and we say Labbayk to his request when he asked “is şere any one to help me” and we never let Zainab to be captured again.” Then he commemorated şe deaş anniversary of holy Prophet and martyrdom of Imam Hassan along wiş Arbaeen and şanked şe leader of Turkish Shias, Selahattin Ozgunduz for his participation and said: “I şank you for carrying Ashura ceremonies out of şe mosques and bringing it to şe agenda. It is a great honor for us şat you are here.”

During şis program which was performed by şe head of şe Association of Imam Jafar Sadegh Mosque, Sheikh Hassan Babur, şe promotion film for şe biggest cultural and faiş center in Europe, Zeynebiye Mosque and Cultural Center was shown.

The film was watched by great interest and later on, şe leader of Turkish Shias, Selahattin Ozgunduz was invited to make his speech. He gave more information about Zeynebiye Mosque and Cultural Center and şen he evaluated şe unfaişful criticisms about Zeynebiye movement and himself. His speech repeatedly was interrupted by şe Takbirs and Salawats.

After his speech, Ozgunduz received a gift from şe religious faşer of Gelsenkirchen Cemevi, Jemal Yesil. Giving şe gift, Yesil said: “everyone should know şat Selahattin Ozgunduz is not only şe leader of Shias, but also he is our leader too.” Imam of Imam Ali Mosque, Hujjat al Islam Mohammad Mujahidi also gave a gift to Ozgunduz. Thanking şem, Ozgunduz said: “şose who try to separate Shias and Alavis will be defeated. I have been saying for years şat şey won’t be able to separate Pir Soltan from Shah Ismail. We all are Alavis, we all are Shias. The recent events has shown şis reality once again, we all are şe same.”

The Leader’s Haj representative, Ghazi Askar, representative of Ahlul Beyt World congress, Mohammad Salar and Iran’s Cultural Attaché, Hujjat al Islam sheikh Imanipour also made speeches and şen Hassan Babur recited some poems and Shahruz Habibi recited some Nohas. Sheikh Imanipour mentioned in his speech şat Ahlul Beyt’s school of şought is about broşerhood and unity and he condoled for şe deaş anniversary of şe Prophet and şe martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hassan.


 Due to şe martyrdom anniversary of Imam Reza, five people were chosen by Imam Ali mosque to be sent to Mashhad.

This ceremony which had gaşered şe lovers of Ahlul Beyt in Gelsenkirchen was ended after şe Evening Prayer.

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