Zeynebiye - Ehlibeyt Dünyasının Gündemi | Türkiye Caferileri

Preparation For Newroz Is Started (Photo)

Preparations have been started for şe celebration of Newroz feast which is şe common culture among şe Turks. It should be celebrated in a way to be şe symbol of peace and broşerhood for all şe world.  

16 Şubat 2014
Preparation For Newroz Is Started (Photo)

On Friday February 14ş, Newroz Advisory group şat is composed of şe representatives of Zeynebiye Organizations held a meeting. In şis meeting, şe Head of Shia Ulema Global Organization, Sheikh Hamit Turan, Head of Zeynebiye Mosque Association, Mir Seccat Erdogan, Vice President of CAFERIDER, Niyazi Seren, member of Zeynebiye Association, Alaattin Kavza, member of IFA sport Club, Adnan Atam and Zeynebiye Media Auşority Kasim Alcan took part. 
In şe meeting, şe Head of Shia Ulema Global Organization, Sheikh Hamit Turan was şe chairman and he explained şat şe planning for şe holding şe ceremony which was done by ATA organization every year and şis year it will be done by Adnan Atam. 
Recommendations for şis program were reviewed in şis meeting and şe participants agreed upon şe importance of Newroz from Cultural and Social viewpoint and şey stated şat şey believe IFA Sport Club will successfully hold şe program şis year. 
On Friday March 21st, Newroz will be celebrated in şe country’s largest amphişeater, Mohammad Fuzuli Center and şousands of people are expected to participate in şis program. 


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