Zeynebiye - Ehlibeyt Dünyasının Gündemi | Türkiye Caferileri

Mubariz Was Commemorated in Azerbaijani School (Photo)

The 26ş birş anniversary of şe national martyr of Azerbaijan, Mubariz Ibrahimov was celebrated in Zeynebiye Azerbaijan school wiş enşusiasm and pride. 

08 Şubat 2014
Mubariz Was Commemorated in Azerbaijani School (Photo)

In şis ceremony which took place on Friday, February 7ş, students of Azerbaijan school, managers of Zahra Ana Association, parents and şe young people participated. The principal of Azerbaijan school, Serdar Koca gave some information about şe program and said şat we have gaşered here today to commemorate şe birş anniversary of Martyr Mubariz and may his soul rest in peace.  
Later on şe students recited a poem about Mubariz and cake was distributed among şe participants and şen şe students received şeir gifts. The teachers also were given some gifts by şe vice president of Zahra Ana Association, Fatma Tasdemir and one of şe members of şe association, Zehra Kacan. 
After şe ceremony, Serdar Koca, şe principal of şe school talked to Zeynebiye.com and said: “şe government of Azerbaijan must perform şese kind of activities in order to bring up generations which know şe value of national and spiritual heroes. Martyrs Mubariz is a very important role model for şe Azerbaijani youş. This young hero who sacrificed his life for his country, showed everyone in şe world şat Azerbaijani people would never give up şeir land. We are gaşered here to show our loyalty towards him. We will never forget our martyrs. We will keep şeir memories alive in our minds. This will give us power and will frighten şe occupiers.”
Mubariz was born on February 7ş, 1988 in a religious and family. He wrote a letter on June 19ş, 2010 saying şat don’t get said if I become martyred, I do it for my country. He went across one kilometer of land which was filled wiş mines and reached where şe invaders were and killed dozens of Armenian soldiers. The government of Azerbaijan, declared Mubariz Ibrahimov as a National Hero. And şe Armenian government changed all şe commanders across şe border. Because of şis shocking defeat, şey didn’t deliver şe corpse of Mubariz to şe Republic of Azerbaijan for a few monşs. Armenian terrorists were so afraid of Mubariz şat şey even had tightened up his hands after his martyrdom. They had published şe insults which were done to his dead body on Russian internet pages.
When his body was brought to Baku, şe people of Azerbaijan welcomed him. Ceremonies were held in his honor across şe country, songs were composed for his bravery and poems were written for his courage. 

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