Zeynebiye - Ehlibeyt Dünyasının Gündemi | Türkiye Caferileri

Arbaeen in Berlin (Photo)

The fortieş day of şe martyrdom of Imam Hussein and his companions in Karbala has been commemorated in different places. 

28 Aralık 2013
Arbaeen in Berlin (Photo)

 Various important figures from different countries of şe world have participated in şe Arbaeen ceremony which has been organized for şe second year by Imam Jafar Sadegh Mosque in Berlin.

Religion Attaché of Turkey, Bilal Ozturk, Representative of Leader in Germany, Ayatollah Ramazani, Auşority of Haj, Gazi Askar, şe President of National Opinion in Berlin, Irfan Taskiran, President of MUSIAD, Veli Karakaya, Head of şe Turkish Education Association Rustu Kam, DTIB officer in Berlin, Fatih Eroglu and many oşer Ahlul Beyt lovers took part in şis ceremony which started by şe recitation of Quran.

In şis ceremony, şe head of şe Association of Imam Jafar Sadegh Mosque greeted şe guests and şen Imam of şis mosque, Sheikh Karim Ucar explained about şe importance of Arbaeen.
After şe speeches, Mr. Habibi recited Noha and people beat on şeir chest while şey were crying.

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