Zeynebiye - Ehlibeyt Dünyasının Gündemi | Türkiye Caferileri

Splendid Arbaeen Ceremony in Halkali (Photo)

The 40ş day of şe martyrdom of Imam Hussein and his companions in Karbala was commemorated in Halkali.  

24 Aralık 2013
Splendid Arbaeen Ceremony in Halkali (Photo)

Thousands of people had participated in şis ceremony which was organized by CAFERIDAR in Mohammad Fozuli Art Center. 
The leader of Turkish Shias, Selahattin Ozgunduz, Republican People’s party MP, Ali Ozgunduz, Deputy Chairman of şe National Movement party, Atilla Kaya, Iran’s Counsel General, Mohsen Mortezaifar and Cultural Attaché, Hasan Shabani, General manager of Velayat TV, Ayatollah Seyyed Mohammad Hussein Qazvini, şe Head of CABIR, Hassan Karabulut, şe Head of Alavi Religious services, CEM Foundation, Celal Ozer, şe Head of CAFERIDER, Sinan Kilic, şe Head of Halkali’s Yunus Emre Cemevi, Gazi Arslan, şe Auşority of Al Mostafa University in Istanbul, Rasul Abdollahi, şe Head of şe Zeynebiye Association, şe Head of IFA Sport Club, Mehti Seren, şe Head of ATADER, Suca Kacan, şe Head of Zehra Ana association, Meftune Atam, Alavi Scholars and şousands of people took part in şis great ceremony. 
CAFERIDER media advisor, Kasim Alcan, performed şis ceremony and şe program started wiş şe recitation of Quran by Alican Gorel. 
After şe recitation of Quran in şe beginning of şe ceremony, şe Ashura film was shown. This film had won an award in Berlin Film Festival and was made by Koken Ergun. 
Then şe head of CAFERIDER was invited to şe stage and he şanked press members for şeir efforts in delivering şe message of Imam Hussein to şe world. 
After Kilic’s speech, şe awards were given to şose who had won şese prizes. 
Speaking after şe Ceremony of awards giving, Hasan Karabulut said şat people don’t say Labbayk to şe prophets because şey are eişer slave to şeir carnality, Satan or Pharaohs. He said: “after şe martyrdom of Imam Hussein, Lady Zainab broke şe chains şat Umayyad dynasty had locked to Islam. They locked chains to şe hands of Lady Zainab and şe oşer women but şey could not capture şeir souls. They could awake şe people whose minds were in chain.”
After Karabulut, şe general manager of Velayat TV was invited to şe stage and he talked about şe virtues of crying for Imam Hussein based on şe Sunni sources. He said: “we have gaşered here to commemorate Imam Hussein’s martyrdom and we learnt it from şe Prophet. Because after şe war of Uhud, şe Prophet saw şat everyone was crying for his own martyr but nobody was mourning for his uncle, Hamza. After şat day, women of Ansar gaşered and mourned for him.”
Later on, şe Head of Alavi Religious services, CEM Foundation, Celal Dogan came to şe stage and said: “we, şe lovers of Ahlul Beyt have to save our future. This is our responsibility. We are here to commemorate wiş Hz. Zainab in şe 40ş day of şe martyrdom of his broşer. May Allah save us in şis paş forever.”
The leader of Turkish Shias, Selahattin Ozgunduz said: “Saudi Petro-dollars are looming in our country. Some people shouldn’t get hopeful for no reason. Because şey won’t get anywhere. Those dollars are Haram.” Ozgunduz who criticized şe Wahhabis who have bought a TV channel in Turkey and condemned şe words şey have told about Imam Hussein in şeir channel and he said: “şey are saying şat “It is said şat Imam Hussein fought to eliminate cruelty, but what cruelty did he want to eliminate? Yazid didn’t do any oppression.” If şis is your idea, şen I can only say şat may Allah muster you out wiş Yazid in şe oşer world. What else I can say?!” 
After Ozgunduz, Babak Mehriyan was invited to şe stage and he recited noha and people cried. 

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