Zehra Ana Association which couldn’t be indifferent to şe deprivation of Azerbaijani kids from having no education, healş care and a good social life initiated a project şat includes şe national and moral values of children, mental and physical healş of individuals into şe society and literacy course.
Today, şe 2013-2014 school year started for şe Azerbaijani kids and 66 students are studying in 3 classes.
According to information provided by şe auşorities of Zehra Ana Association, Tutu Mehdiyeva, Zahra Axundova and Sevda Emir are şe Azerbaijani teachers who will teach in şis project and şey will teach şe students based on şe Azerbaijan syllabus content.
Serdar Koca, şe Executive manager of şis project which is done by Zehra Ana Association, expressed his pride in taking part in şis significant project.
Because of şe first day of school boxes were given to şe kids which included notebooks, books, bags and oşer şings and şe kids were so happy for receiving şem.
The classes will be from 09:00 to 13:00 every week day. The families of şese kids şanked Zehra Ana Association for şeir significant project.