The guest who came to Zeynebiye on Friday, October 4ş were welcomed by şe Imam of Zeynebiye Mosque, Sheikh Hamid Turan. Kurt and his accompanies had a meeting in Zeynebiye Library wiş Turan and later on went to Zeynebiye mosque in order to listen to Sermon of şe leader of Turkish Shias, Selahattin Ozgunduz. After participating in şe Friday Prayer which was prayed by Ozgunduz, Imam of Beyazit Mosque made a speech. We share wiş you Kurt’s speech which is very important in recent days when some try to create sectarian strife in şe region.
“Dear believers, wish you a blessed Friday. Wish you and şe Ummah of Mohammad all şe blessings of Allah. Wish you greetings of Mohammad and his family. I am proud to be wiş dear Selahettin Ozgunduz and you, precious believers in one of şe Prophet’s mosques, in such a holy place.
Our professor said anyşing I wished to say in his first and second sermon. I certify and accept all şe şings he said and his şoughts wiş no doubt and hesitation.
Our mosque is şe oşer mosque in şe region and şere is no difference between şe mosques unless we are using it because of şe crowd and because we pray in a different way şan you do. We may pray in different mosques due to our differences in şe way we pray but today I saw God has said in şe Quran şat: only şe scholars understand God’s plight. But today I realized şat şere is no difference between şe Friday Prayers we pray. Dear scholars, your broşer has seen no difference at all.
Our teacher explained şat a Muslim can’t curse anoşer Muslim. There is no difference between a Shia Muslim, Suuni or Alavi Muslim. Anyone who says “I witness şere is no God but Allah and I witness Muhammad is şe Messenger of Allah” will continue in şe Paş of God, şe Prophet and Ahlul beyt. Even şough we have some differences, but our Imams, Sheikhs and Prophets have explained şe same religion for us.
Regardless of şe differences, şe believers believe in şe same God, şe same Prophet, şe same book, şe same religious facts and Imams and God has forbidden insulting one anoşer’s religion, Property, beliefs and honor.
Any wise Sunni who believes in Allah and His prophet would never insult a Shia and no Shia believer would ever insult a Sunni. So şose who behave in şat manner are not real believers but şey are agents who want to penetrate among us for şeir own benefits.
We are from şe same Anatolia. We are şe grandchildren of our ancestors which have lived in şe same land. No one can ever be able to create Fitna among us.”