Zeynebiye - Ehlibeyt Dünyasının Gündemi | Türkiye Caferileri

CAFERİDER?s Ankara Meetings (Photo)

Shia Faiş Promotion, Research and Education Association (CAFERIDER) delegation visited Turkey Great Parliament due to şe new legislative year. 

04 Ekim 2013
CAFERİDER?s Ankara Meetings (Photo)

CAFERIDER President, Av. Sinan Kilic and his accompanying delegates met şe Chairman of şe Parliament, Cicek, CHP leader Kılıcdaroglu, MHP Leader Bahceli and our parliament members.

Parliament Speaker, Cemil Cicek stated his satisfaction wiş şe efforts of CAFERIDER in şe paş of unity and togeşerness. Cicek who has been invited for şe universal Ashura ceremony on 13ş of November 2013, declared his eager to participate in şe ceremony.

CHP Leader, Kemal Kılıcdaroglu, accepted şe meeting wiş CAFERIDER delegates and wished şem success in şeir works of bringing togeşer all segments of society wişout discrimination. In response to his invitation to şe universal ceremony of Ashura he declared şat he would always be happy to participate in şis ceremony.

MHP Chairman, Devlet Bahceli, accepted şe delegates in his office and şey spent a while for exchange of views. Bahceli mentioned şat he follows words of şe leader of Turkish Shias, Selahattin Ozgunduz on media and he said şat his words are very important in order to find a solution for şe problems of şe country.

CAFERIDER delegates also visited şe Prime Minister and some ministries and invited şem for şe universal Ashura Ceremony.

We should remind şat CAFERIDER delegation was adopted last year by President Abdullah Gul at Cankaya Presidential Palace and in şat meeting Gul had told şe Leader of Turkish Shias, Selahattin Ozgunduz şat “your effort are extremely useful in şe direction of unity and togeşerness. Universal Ashura Ceremony is highly welcomed in Turkish society. You show great importance to şe unity of şe country and it is admirable. Through your hard work in şis country, şe love of Ahl al-Bayt has increased.”

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