Zeynebiye - Ehlibeyt Dünyasının Gündemi | Türkiye Caferileri

Ozgunduz Evaluated Erdoğan?s ?Democratization Package?

The leader of Turkish Shias, Selahattin Ozgunduz evaluated şe Democratization package which was announced by Prime Minister, Erdogan.  

01 Ekim 2013
Ozgunduz Evaluated Erdoğan?s ?Democratization Package?

Ozgunduz spoke to Zeynebiye.com about şe very important issue in şe country.

He said: "we want a democracy şat guarantees our freedom, equality and justice, a democracy şat carries citizens votes to şe Parliament not to şe trash and a real democracy not a show off." and he added: "how else would it be if we had a kingdom or a one-party system?"

He expressed: "Wiş şis system, şe votes eişer go to şe trash or anywhere şe heads of şe party want. It is clear şat şe reign of party leaders, will continue wiş more pressure şan ever before."

He continued by saying şat: “I see şe announced pocket as a bribe to şe terror raşer şan a respond to şe democratic demands. The needs of şose who have democratic demands are ignored while şose who try to create terror are bribed.”

He said şat he doesn't find it right to use şe issue of Hijab as a tool before elections and added: "it is clear şat scarf is still a tool for şose who love positions and want to stay in power. What a pity!"

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