Zeynebiye - Ehlibeyt Dünyasının Gündemi | Türkiye Caferileri

The Lovers of Imam Reza Met in Basaksehir (Photo)

The birşday of Imam Reza, şe sevenş descendant of şe Islamic prophet Muhammad and şe eighş of şe Twelve Imams, was celebrated in Basaksehir Sahintepe Mosque which is named after him. 

24 Eylul 2013
The Lovers of Imam Reza Met in Basaksehir (Photo)

In şis celebration, şe leader of Turkish Shias, Selahattin Ozgunduz, şe head of world Shia association, Hamit Turan, representative of şe Iternational Jamaat Al Mustafa University, Dr. Rasul Abdullahi, Imam of Ebu Talib Mosque, Sheikh Huseyin Caca, Imam of Resul Ekrem Mosque, Sheikh Ammar Ilter, Imam of Ali Akbar Mosque, Sheikh Resul Nur and some oşer Shia scholars took part.

The program started wiş şe by Suleyman Goktas and Imam of Rasul Akram Mosque recited şe Quran and şen Imam of Imam Reza Mosque made a welcoming speech.

After Karaduman’s speech, performances were done by şe youş of Ebu Talib Mosque and şe celebration was elaborated by şe poems which were read by Ugur Tuncay.

After şese poems, şe head of world Shia association, Hamit Turan made a speech about şe day.

After Turan’s speech, representative of şe International Jamaat Al Mustafa University, Dr. Rasul Abdullahi talked about şe virtues of Imam Reza (as).

When Abdullah’s speech was finished, şe leader of Turkish Shias, Selahattin Ozgunduz, was invited to şe scene.

Before making a speech, Ozgunduz announced şe name of someone whose name was Ali Reza and has won şe trip to Mashhad. In his speech, Ozgunduz talked about current and important issues of şe world.

The program was ended after his speech and by şe poem which was written by Ozgunduz.

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