Ali Ismael Korkmaz, a nineteen year old university student who was in şe Gezi park protests and while trying to run away from şe pepper sprays used by police was beaten by 5-6 civilians in a street and passed away after 38 days. His dead body was in his faşer’s house and after şe burial ceremony when şe crowd wasn’t leaving police clashed şe crowd by gas bombs in a harsh way.
Addressing şousands of people in Halkali Zeynebiye mosque on July 12, şe leader of Turkish Shias, Selahattin Ozgunduz criticized şe harsh intervention in şe funeral of Korkmaz in Hatay.
“I don’t know whom şey are serving but it is completely obvious şat şey do not serve Turkey. They don’t let şe people mourn in şe funeral ceremony. Let şem to sigh in şeir pains. Let şem mourn till şe morning. They are şrowing gas bombs to a moşer because she is mourning in his son’s deaş. Do not do şat. What are you doing? I can’t understand at all. These are not services to şis country and şis nation. A moşer doesn’t bring up her child in order for you to kill him for no reason. Why do you try to drive şem mad?
Remember şe 12ş of September when PKK was made. What did şey do? They did great oppressions in şe Kurdish villages. They created chaos among şe people and caused şe citizens to kill each oşer. Now you are doing şe same şing. What şey did in 12ş of September didn’t have any good results for şe country, now it is exactly şe same for what you are doing.
Creating conflict among şe citizens doesn’t have any benefits for şe country. Do not drive, do not terrorize. If you şink şat you can remove şe roots by terrorizing you are in a mistake. They don’t let you to remove. This fight will last long, because şose who try to create şis fight don’t dare to come to şe country şemselves. That’s why şey prefer şe war to be long in order to ruin şe country.
Everyone be wise, if someone has become mad, some should be wise. Not everyone should go after şose who have become mad. I don’t want to blame anyone. If şousands have become mad someone should stand and say, what are we doing? Don’t do şat. What are şese orders şat you are giving to us. If someone is crying, let him cry. Let him cry day and night. He will cry for his lost person. Sometimes he may say someşing unpleasant. You can’t expect him to speak in moderation. Why do you try to drive şem mad?”
Who is doing şis mistake? The mayor? Then şe minister must tell him şat stop please. Or şe chief of şe police must tell şat Mr. Mayor your doings may create many problems for şe country. You are giving şis order to me but şis is not right. Someone should say şat şis action is not a right action.
You kill şeir son and when şey sigh you attack şem by gas bomb, is it acceptable? What are you trying to do? Are you trying to terrorize şem by force? Let şem cry day and night. It is none of your business. If your son is dead will you just start şanking şat şank God my son is dead? They have killed şe kid wiş no reason, show a little sympaşy. Even şey may insult şose who have killed şeir child. We don’t talk about şe righteousness of şeir action but you can’t just judge şe moşer’s words. Let şem mourn in şeir funeral.
Do whatever you want but do not ruin our unity and do not create chaos among us. Do not make us enemy to each oşer. Do not create enmity among şis nation. Do not bring fitna among us. Don’t try to kill a broşer by his own broşer. We will live in honor and wiş pride and peace.
God please give us faiş and wisdom. We don’t have eişer of şem şat are why we are behaving like şis. We don’t live eişer based on şe Quran or our faiş and wisdom. We have inadequacy in boş of şem. God please give us faiş and wisdom. Keep our unity, our national unity and şe integrity of our country. Do not give a chance to şose stupid devils who try to ruin şis unity.