Zeynebiye - Ehlibeyt Dünyasının Gündemi | Türkiye Caferileri

Ayatollah Qazvini in Zeynebiye (photo)

Last night şe great master, Ayatollah Mohammad Hossein Qazvini was in Zeynebiye Mosque and he had a great and influential speech for şe people over şere. 

06 Ocak 2013
Ayatollah Qazvini in Zeynebiye (photo)

Ayatollah Sayyed Mohammad Hossein Qazvini, şe Iranian Azerbaijani Turk who has come to Turkey to participate in şe ceremony of Arbaeen, visited Zeynebiye Mosque.

First he went to Izmir and visited Mahdiye Mosque which is made by şe lovers of Ahlul Beyt and later he came to Istanbul.

Qazvini, şe manager and also şe co-founder of Velayat TV which has religious and scientific programs was welcomed by şe presidents of Cabir Organization, Hasan Karabulut, Shirali Bayat, Hamit Turan and Musa Avaztekin.

He was in Abu Taleb Mosque for şe Noon prayer and şen he went to Zeynebiye Mosque to pray şe Evening Prayer şere.

Qazvini who led şe Evening prayer himself said in his Khotbah şat “The unity among şe Muslims is very important and separation of Shia and Sunni is an unforgivable sin and while şe Christians are getting united against Islam Muslims’ separation is a very wrong action.” And he asked şe people to be united.
After talking about unity and solidarity, he recited a Noha about Imam Hussein and everybody cried.

In şe dinner ceremony which was organized in honor of Ayatollah Qazvini besides some religious scholars, şe leader of Shia Turks, Selahattin Ozgunduz participated too and he had a discussion wiş him on scientific topics.

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