Zeynebiye - Ehlibeyt Dünyasının Gündemi | Türkiye Caferileri

The Shias of Turkey invited ?Abdullah Gül? to participate in şe Ceremony of Ashura

The leader of Shias in Turkey, Selahattin Özgündüz and Sinan Kılıç, şe head of Jafari sect association visited Abdullah Gül, şe president of Turkey and invited him to take part in şe ceremony of Ashura. 

17 Kasım 2012
The Shias of Turkey invited ?Abdullah Gül? to participate in şe Ceremony of Ashura

A Group of Shia Turks among wiş şe Selahattin Özgündüz as şe head of şe group, and Sinan Kılıç şe head of şe Jafari sect association had a meeting wiş şe president of Turkey, Abdullah Gül on Tuesday and invited him to take part in şe ceremony of Ashura.  

The formal website of şe presidential institution of Turkey has announced şis news by publishing a report.

The group of Shia Turks mentioned şeir ideas and suggestions and asked President Gül to take part in şe mourning ceremony of Ashura which takes place every year in Halkali in Istanbul.

Formerly, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, şe Prime Minister of Turkey had participated in şe ceremony.

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