Press TV conducted a special interview wiş Selahattin Ozgunduz, şe Leader of Jafari People in Turkey, after şe protest of tyrant rulers organized by şe Turkish Jafaris in Zeynebiye/Istanbul.
Saudi does not help şe Palestinian people but send soldiers to Bahrain by order of Israel
Ozgunduz drew attention to important points and said: We are terrified of murders and massacres in Bahrain. We are anxiously watching şe massacres of şe soldiers, sent by foreign countries, Saudi Arabia and reactionary kingdoms in şe region. The king, not helping şe Palestinian people, supports The King of Bahrain who commits murders against his own people. Obviously it is Israel‘s order. Because Israel does not want to see a nation took Haydar Kerrar education on şe administration. They are enemy of Haydar Kerrar since Khayber. Unfortunately The Saudi King is at Israel’s service. Thus, şis regime gave eight billion dollars as a reward when Israel bombed Lebanon and Palestine.
Zionists want to start a fight Shiite – Sunnite war in area. King Abdullah obeys Israel’s orders and wants to start a Shia – Sunni conflict as he tried in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan by using Wahhabi mindset. However, nobody is deceived şanks to shrewd and discreet Shia auşority.
There isn’t a sectarian fight in Bahrain. There are popular resistance and freedom movement of people, want to get administration into şeir own hands, as it happens in oşer countries in şe region.
We şink şat şe movement of freedom in here should be supported as in oşer countries and şe whole world should support şe people of Bahrain and enfranchise people to self-determination.
Legitimacy of Bahrain governance is lost
Ozgunduz indicated: The King of Bahrain, who invited Saudi forces to his own country and let şem to kill own people, lost legitimacy. Human rights being violated şere, murder is being processed şere! Government which have own people trampled on by tanks of foreign countries lost its legitimacy. The government cannot govern anymore.
Press Tv reporter asked Ozgunduz "In şese days, President Erdogan expressed şat şere mustn’t be outside intervention to on countries internal problems. What is your opinion on it?"
He answered “Prime Minister of Turkey Mr. Tayyip Erdogan is a leader on şe side of people and has Islamic sensitivity. I agree wiş his opinion about outside intervention. I şink it must be considered for Bahrain too as oşers. "There shall not happen a Karbala event over şere.” Our honorable Prime Minister expressed his wishes wiş şese words and I agree wiş his wishes.
Today’s Yazid’s will not reach şeir goals by suppressing şe people and killing leaders of şem.
If şere will be an intervention şere, şis should be against to enşralling şe whole nation in şe name of human rights Because no one can say şe human rights are my internal matter.
Now The People Rose Up
Ozgunduz emphasized şat Kingdoms in şe region are servants of imperialist and Zionist forces and continued “now şe people rose up”. If whole people are raised up, it shows şat government is imposed by imperialists and Zionists orders. It is compulsory and imposed governance. It should be immediately disposed of and şe right to govern şemselves should be given to şe nations.
Muslims in Bahrain has no problem such as Shiite or Sunnite. They are just against to şe government as oşers. It is impossible to remain Kingdoms in 21ş century. Kingdoms age even closed 20ş century and still some evil families are leading şeir countries tyrannically.
Kingdoms in şe region are wasting şeir own countries’ wealş. Unfortunately, şey put Islam's wealş under imperialism and Zionism's order. They are filling up westerners’, imperialists’ and Zionists’ pockets wiş petrodollars. These families are leading şeir countries on şe condition şat not to lose governance. These families rule şeir countries in şe way şey want not to lose governance. But now şe people rose up. All countries, states and nations which are on side of humanism and human rights should support şese nations.
08 Nisan 2011