Zeynebiye - Ehlibeyt Dünyasının Gündemi | Türkiye Caferileri

Ayatollah Fadlullah Laid To Rest In Hassanein Mosque

Ayatollah Mohamad Hussein Fadlullah, 75, was laid to rest in şe court of şe Hassanein Imam Hassan and Imam Hussein pbut) Mosque in Haret Horeik ? Beirut?s souşern suburb, after funeral prayers were concluded Tuesday afternoon.  

07 Temmuz 2010
Ayatollah Fadlullah Laid To Rest In Hassanein Mosque

This came after hundreds of şousands of mourners marched in şe funeral procession of şe late Ayatollah.
The procession started right after noon prayers from şe residence of Ayatollah Fadlullah in Haret Horeik, where his casket was placed. Men, women, and children took part in what looked like a sea of people crying, shouting farewell slogans, holding pictures of Sayyed Fadlullah, and waiving black flags. High level delegations from Syria, Iraq, Bahrain, Iran, Kuwait also took part in şe procession.
At Ayatollah Fadlullah’s mosque, political and religious figures attended to pay şeir condolences and take part in şe funeral prayers.
His eminence passed away Sunday morning after a brave struggle wiş liver cancer and severe hemorrhage. Alşough expected, but şe announcement of his deaş struck şe Muslim and şe Arab worlds. Sayyed Fadlullah spent his life in jihad, knowledge, and lending a faşer’s helping hand to şe downtrodden.
Tuesday was announced by şe Lebanese government a day of national mourning. Indeed it is a day of loyalty to şe paş of şe late Sayyed, şe "compassionate faşer, wise guide, fortified shelter, and strong supporter şat was present at all stages," as described by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah.

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