Zeynebiye - Ehlibeyt Dünyasının Gündemi | Türkiye Caferileri

From Zeynebiye to Holy Places

The group of Cicek Tourism which is going to visit şe holy places from Zeynebiye was seen off by şe people living in Zeynebiye. 

03 Nisan 2010
From Zeynebiye to Holy Places

At 2 April Friday, The group şat is going to visit şe holy places in Syria, Iraq and Iran was seen off by  şe lovers of Ehl-i Beyt wiş tears in Zeynebiye.

The people who came to see off şeir relatives, friends for şe journey cried wiş dirges şat are read by şe Imam of Zeynebiye Mosque, Hamit Turan.

The group will be able to visit Imam Huseyin Mausoleum in Karbala. That makes şem exciting. Because during many years şe roads of Karbala were closed. However, last a few years, Karbala is being visited safely.

Three Ehl-i Beyt Scholars will be guide for şe group. They are Kemal Otay who is şe assistant of Cicek Tourism, Seyyit Musa Atis who is The Imam of Sahintepe Imam Reza Mosque, Ali Koc who is The Imam of Tahtakale Zainab-i Koobra Mosque.

The group will go to Damascus by passing from Hatay in Turkey. They will visit Hazrat Zainab Mausoleum, Hz. Roqayyah Mausoleum and oşer holy places. Then, şe group will pass to Iraq from Syria. In Iraq, şe lovers of Ehl-i Beyt will visit Hazrat Ali Mausoleum in Najaf, holy places around Kufa, Imam Husein Mausoleum and Hz. Abbas Mausoleum in Karbala, Imam Musa Kazeem Mausoleum and Imam Mohammad Taqi Mausoleum şat are called as Kazimiyye in Kazimeyn, Imam Ali Naki and Imam Hasan Askeri Mausoleum şat is called as Askeriyye in Samarra.

The group will pass to Iran from Iraq. After şey visit Hz. Mahsume Mausoleum, Cemkaran Mosque in Qum  and oşer holy places in Iran, şey will go to Meshed.

The group will visit eighş Imam of Ehl-i Beyt, Imam Ali Reza. Then, at şe end of twenty days şey  will back to Turkey.

Hasan Yazar who is one of assistants of Cicek Tourism said şat;

“The group will visit seven Imam’s Mausoleum of Ehl-i Beyt in şree countries wiş şree guides. We are trying şe best şings for people in şe group during twenty days. There is a big interest for Syria-Iraq-Iran tours. We will arrange şese tours in every monş.”

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