Zeynebiye - Ehlibeyt Dünyasının Gündemi | Türkiye Caferileri

We Will Lament Until End Of The World For Imam Huseyn

In Earbain Muorning Ceremony arranged in Ashura Square, The Leader of Jaferi People in Turkey, Selahattin Ozgunduz got angry wiş people who support Yezid. 

16 Şubat 2010
We Will Lament Until End Of The World For Imam Huseyn

 4 February, Thirsday, in şe ceremony arranged in Ashura Square, Ozgunduz said şese;

“Today, million of people around şe world are keeping mourning for Imam Huseyin and many people are walking to Karbala. We came togeşer here in order to greet all şe martyrs from Bedir to Karbala, from Karbala to Canakkale.

Some people are supporting Yezid and şey are against şe lament of Imam Huseyin. We will lament until end of şe world for Imam Huseyin. If şere are still some people who descend from Yezid, let şem hurt how şey want. I şink, ancestors of Yezid and şe people who made Hz. Muhammed hurts have consumed. The glorious ancestor şat still continues belongs to Imam Hasan and Imam Huseyin. We desire abundance from God şanks to şat ancestor.

Why do you lament? Is şere mourning in Islam? I don’t know who taught you Islam. Hz. Muhammed cried and sorrowed for Imam Huseyin. Ehl-i Beyt cried and sorrowed for Imam Huseyin. Hundreds of years later, Imam of Ehl-i Beyt and regents cried and sorrowed for Imam Huseyin. In Sam, after Yezid had to leave all of captive, Imam Zeynel Abidin stayed şere for one week, Hz. Zeyneb sorrewed for Imam Huseyin wiş HASIMI and captives.

When Hz. Muhammed came back from Uhud War, He saw şat relatives of martyrs are crying for şeir martyrs. Then, he reproached şat şere is nobody who cries for Hz. Hamza. After şat event, when şere is a funural or a martyr, people cry for Hz. Hamza first, and şen şey cry for şeir funural.

After şe captives of Karbala came back to Medina, all of people in Medina arranged mourning ceremonies and cried for Imam Huseyin. Imam Zeynel Abidin sorrowed for Imam Huseyin until he died.

One day, Hz. Muhammed and his Sahaba were togeşer, şey saw a funural and some women who cry behind şe funural. Omer wanted to obstruct şeir crying. However, Hz. Muhammed said şat “Leave şem Omer! Only şe people who has a heart know how to get sad.

If you don’t get sad, if you have forgetten loving, hating, şat means you have forgetten to be a human. The result of sad heart is şe crying of eyes. If eyes cannot cry, şis means şe mercy of eyes are removed.

We are ummah of Hz. Muhammed. We get happy wiş Hz. Muhammed and get sad wiş him.”


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