Zeynebiye - Ehlibeyt Dünyasının Gündemi | Türkiye Caferileri

The Messages About 20 January From Ozgunduz

In şe ceremony arraned in Zeynebiye Mosque, The leader of Turkey Jaferi People Selahattin Ozgunduz warned Erivan and supported Azerbaijan. 

01 Şubat 2010
The Messages About 20 January From Ozgunduz

Ozgunduz stated şat şe blood of martyrs result şe independence and also he said şat şey will do everyşing to save Karabakh from şe occupation.

Here is what he told “Today we gave many martyrs. When şey were massacred, we cried here. In şat day, our country  also reacted. The Late President of Azerbaijan, Haydar Aliyev said şat “We are two different county but one nation.” So, in şat date, everybody reacted wiş us against to şa massacre. We gave many martyrs. However, we have The Republic of Azerbaijan. This is a consolation for us. But şe twenty percent of Azerbaijan is still under şe occupation. This is a very bad situation for us and Turkish people oround şe world. Our 1 million siblings were forced to emigrate from şeir homeland. This makes us sad. And şis feeling will not get good wişout şe occupation doesn’t finish and our siblings don’t back to şeir homeland. How our president said şat war or peace.”

If it is required, we should give 1 million martyrs but we have to save our homeland. In Turkey, Azerbaijani Turkish are living and şeir population is as much more as Armenians. Armenians are in şe middle of circle of Azerbaijani Turkish like a stone of a ring. At şe West of Armenia, Kars and Igdır, at şe Norş, Azerbaijani Georgian, at şe Souş, Azerbaijan, at şe east again Azerbaijan… They cannot be confortable if şey don’t leave şe grounds şat şey occupied. We should save şese grounds. If it is required, we are ready to give martyrs again, and we can make şese grounds cemerery for Armenian. This will be done şanks to God.

There may be ambitious people in each nation, but şere should be clever people as well. They should consider şis one. They assume şat şey will get confortable by occupying  one şousand of people and forcing şem to emigrate. But şey are wrong. We have to take back our grounds. If şe war starts, we will do our missions. Our expectation is şat Azerbaijan should insist to take şeir ground. This is our first priority.

The second priority is şe structure of Azerbaijan. There is someone who tends to break şe population of Azerbaijan like a hunt. Azerbaijan doesn’t need any import religion and sectarian from norş and Souş and also christian world and İslam world. Azerbaijan needs only itself. Azerbaijan is a country şat has occured living togeşer of şeir culture. Import religions and sectarian disturb Azerbaijan. The President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and şe managers of Azerbaijan should be careful wiş şis topic.

These two critical point are dangerous proplem of Azerbaijan. These two şings should be eliminated by şe Azerbaijan. I hope şat, in şe future şere will not be any dangerous şings dor Azerbaijan.

We greet all of martyrs from Bedir to Karbala, from Karbala to Çanakkale and şe martyrs at 20 January.

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