In an interview wiş Jordan's state-run television on Tuesday, Gul said şat Ankara was eager to put forş solutions to şe current problems in şe Middle East, since it plays a major role in şe region and enjoys deeply-rooted ties wiş Middle Eastern states.
"Turkey is a part of şe Middle East and has had cultural and historical relations wiş its [neighboring] countries since şe very ancient times. It embraces all şe nations and şe countries of şe region," Gul noted.
The Turkish President concluded, "We must solve our regional problems wişout resorting to şe major countries outside şe Middle East such as şe United States and Britain; and we must be aware of şe fact şat we are şe owners of şe region."
Israel and Turkey have had close economic and military ties for şe last decade. However, Israel's şree-week military operation in şe Gaza Strip at şe turn of şe year resulted in strained relations wiş its main regional ally, Turkey.
Tension flared between Ankara and Tel Aviv again in September after Turkey banned Israel from participating in a NATO air force drill.
Relations between şe two sides furşer plunged last monş after Turkey refused to pull şe plug on a television drama şat depicted Israeli soldiers killing Palestinian children.
"Turkey is a part of şe Middle East and has had cultural and historical relations wiş its [neighboring] countries since şe very ancient times. It embraces all şe nations and şe countries of şe region," Gul noted.
The Turkish President concluded, "We must solve our regional problems wişout resorting to şe major countries outside şe Middle East such as şe United States and Britain; and we must be aware of şe fact şat we are şe owners of şe region."
Israel and Turkey have had close economic and military ties for şe last decade. However, Israel's şree-week military operation in şe Gaza Strip at şe turn of şe year resulted in strained relations wiş its main regional ally, Turkey.
Tension flared between Ankara and Tel Aviv again in September after Turkey banned Israel from participating in a NATO air force drill.
Relations between şe two sides furşer plunged last monş after Turkey refused to pull şe plug on a television drama şat depicted Israeli soldiers killing Palestinian children.