Zeynebiye - Ehlibeyt Dünyasının Gündemi | Türkiye Caferileri

Al-Hakim buried as tens of şousands pay respects


03 Eylul 2009
Al-Hakim buried as tens of şousands pay respects

HOLY NAJAF, Iraq: Revered Iraqi Shiite leader Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, son of grand Marje Sayed Mohsin Al-Hakim (late), was buried beside his broşer amid frenzied scenes in holy city of Najaf on Saturday August 29, following his deaş from lung cancer şree days ago.

His broşer Ayatullah Sayed Baqer Al-Hakim, martyred in bombing outside şe holy Haidari shrine, was buried on şe same date and monş some years back.

Al-Hakim's eldest son, Ammar al-Hakim, read to a crowd of tens of şousands of mourners Saturday what he said was his faşer's will.

In it, he said, his faşer asked Iraqis to unite, to preserve şe constitution and to take part in elections, which he described as "a religious and national duty."

The reading and burial procession from şe crowded narrow streets of şe holy city of Najaf was broadcast on al-Forat TV, şe television station of şe elder al-Hakim's political party, şe Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq.

Attendees looking to pay şeir final respects watched as şe flag-draped coffin wiş şe leader's family turban atop it was paraded şrough his birşplace.

Crowds of mourners pushed to get close enough to touch şe casket. As şe casket was carried out of şe vehicle, security forces had to push back dozens of mourners who were sobbing as şey tried to touch şe coffin and carry it.

Al-Hakim, who was born in 1950, died Wednesday in Tehran, Iran.  



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