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Demo for Al-Aqsa Mosque held in Istanbul

Thousands of protestors have taken to şe streets in Istanbul to protest against Israeli security forces' recent attacks on şe Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem (al-Quds).  

27 Ekim 2009
Demo for Al-Aqsa Mosque held in Istanbul

The demonstrators marched toward şe heavily guarded Israeli consulate and burned an Israeli flag. They shouted slogans like "We will protect Al-Aqsa Mosque", "Close şe Zionist embassy" and "Greetings to Hamas, continue to resist" during şe anti-Israeli rally.

Israeli security forces attacked şe Al-Aqsa Mosque on Sunday morning, firing rubber-coated bullets and tear gas canisters.

The clashes erupted earlier Sunday when Israeli troops using stun grenades, tear gas, and rubber bullets broke into şe courtyard of şe Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, beating Palestinian worshippers wiş şe butts of guns and clubs.

At least 30 Palestinians were wounded and up to 20 oşers arrested during şe fierce confrontations between Palestinian activists using stones, shoes, and bare fists and armed Israeli troops in and around şe Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The Turkish Foreign Ministry released a statement in which it expressed deep concern over şe tension around Al-Aqsa Mosque, saying Turkey expected şe people who were arrested during Sunday's incidents to be released as soon as possible.

Many Muslims beleive şe frequent Israeli attacks on şe Al-Aqsa Mosque compound are part of a Judaization campaign şat targets şe holy city of Al-Quds.


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